Author: Steve

  • Stop rushing recruitment

    Stop rushing recruitment

    My list of annoyances is growing a bit (one, two), now number three – having to rush recruitment! Building a team does take time, investment is needed from the hiring manager to decide the type of person to fit into the team/organisation and then the process needed to find that person. It’s important to get…

  • Take yourself seriously

    Take yourself seriously

    I can really relate to this Medium post – Do You Take Yourself Seriously? It was part of the thinking I had for my Be yourself post. It’s difficult to imagine how many brilliant ideas never happened because they were kept silent. I’m pretty sure my ideas would have amazed lots of people…hmmmmm! Maybe only…

  • Be yourself

    Be yourself

    It can be exciting pretending to be someone else, a chance to forget about ourselves for a moment and get immersed into another character. This can be hard work though, constantly overriding our natural personality would cause a cognitive strain. Actors have the ability to switch between characters, although I’m sure this can’t be easy…

  • Constant reminder to be agile

    Constant reminder to be agile

    A lot has already been said about “Doing Agile versus Being Agile” so there’s no need to keep repeating – or is there? Constantly repeating something to teams doesn’t usually make you very popular! But there can be a need to give regular reminders in areas that are important. How we work and the culture…

  • Can anyone be a leader?

    Can anyone be a leader?

    It doesn’t take long before I come across another Manager vs Leader blog. I actually enjoy reading them, other people’s experiences can help me challenge myself. Being a manager isn’t easy, but then there seems to be a different mindset to being a leader! It is a personal decision what we want to make out…

  • Is Git moving you away from Continuous Delivery?

    Is Git moving you away from Continuous Delivery?

    I like Continuous Delivery (CD), as I’ve said before I believe it is the only way for organisations to keep up with their competitors, or ideally stay ahead of them! The rapidly changing world hasn’t got time to wait for updates; people want quality updates regularly. Gone are the days of 10 years ago where…

  • Which area do you need to improve?

    Which area do you need to improve?

    We’re all trying to improve ourselves…right? Our grand plans that the beginning of the year may already be a distant memory, but there is always time to re-focus and improve one or more areas. Harvard Business Review wrote – The 8 Self-Assessments You Need to Improve at Work This Year – that covers all different…

  • Perfection is elusive

    Perfection is elusive

    I do see myself as a perfectionist, I’ve always seen that as a good thing. Constantly having targets that I work hard at hitting in both personal and work life, but I’ve never believed I can be truly perfect because there’s always the next thing to improve. So this makes me wonder if a hardened…

  • Where to start with goal setting

    Where to start with goal setting

    Settings goals for the year always seems like a painful experience! “How do I know what I’ll be doing in 6 months time!!” “What’s the point…I have work I need to get on with…writing this pointless list is distracting me!” And that’s usually myself! Only kidding…but I did think like that and I know many…