Some blogs I recommend reading this month…
The 3 Types of C Players and What to Do About Them
This blog gives good options on a difficult problem- C Players. Having C players on the team always poses a dilemma, as each player and situation is different there is no silver bullet. Something does need to be done it’s a matter of what. As the blog describes, the C players motivation is an important aspect, but it’s the effect they are having on the rest of the team that decides the outcome.
The 5 ways to improve your self-awareness as a leader
“The most overlooked element of a successful leader is self-awareness.” I cannot agree more, as I have also blogged about. This post covers good reasons why self-awareness is crucial for leadership and ways to improve your own. For me, honesty and humility go a long way in helping this.
Advice for Managing Up at Work from Experienced Leaders
Most of us report to someone, whether it’s a good relationship or not, managing up is important to get right. Ultimately, working with your manager to get expectations right is ideal. I try to put myself in their shoes when I have questions to check I have the right context. Good post on a subject that needs more coverage.
The Bad News Advantage: The importance of giving difficult feedback
Giving difficult or constructive feedback is hard and doesn’t make you feel very good. Imposter Syndrome makes you question whether you’re doing the right thing. But it is needed for the team and that person, ignoring it won’t make it go away! Good post as a reminder of this.
To Handle Increased Stress, Build Your Resilience
Stressful situations are never far away, there is pressure put on us by project deadlines. But even if milestones and sprint capacity are within reason people still put extra pressure on themselves which can lead to problems. Good post on how to reframe and embrace stress so it doesn’t get overwhelming.
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