Proud to be a nerd

Take a deep breath…

…and post! First blog for – check! Now to the list of everything else!

I had thought of starting a blog for sometime, now I’ve finally taken the step from thinking to doing. The first challenge came quickly – coming up with a name for the blog! I originally put the blog on but since changed it this domain. What better than my name! There’s no hiding from the fact that I am a geek just didn’t want to define a particular theme to the blog.

Learning and self improvement are important part of my work ethic. Absorbing information from people around me in different roles throughout my career has taught me a great deal. Then there is a vast amount of good resources online which I try to digest when I can. There are always new ideas being formed or different ways to do existing processes that I enjoy seeing if any can improve the environment I work in. All this has taught me that sharing experiences or good resources can benefit others as well as me!

Being a development manager involves developing skills in many areas, over time I hope to blog on a variety of subjects as I believe they all play a part in being successful in this role. I’m aiming to blog about:

  • line management; covering leadership skills, building relationships & trust, and dealing with challenging situations
  • agile; even though this is such a loaded term I feel it is important to understand the methodologies and learn how to apply them to different teams
  • continuous delivery; I believe this plays an important part in the future of software development
  • videos, blogs, presentations, etc. there are a lot of good resources out there
  • my own experiences – hoping to learn from others too
  • anything else geeky!

If you have a RSS feed to other sites, add this one too, what’s the worst that can happen!



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2 responses to “Take a deep breath…”

  1. Konstantin avatar

    Good luck! Will follow you blog

    1. Steve avatar

      Thanks Konstantin!

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