Following on from last year’s funnies here are a few from 2016 that I found amusing…
(I’ve linked to my source, but that may not be the original)
When you delete a block of code… (source)
Please don’t feed the coders (source)
When the engineer only reads half of your email about the design (source)
This code looks pretty old, I wonder if I can delete th…. what the… (source)
Tabs vs spaces (source)
Things are mostly fine (source)
If regular architecture was like software architecture (source)
When you’re refactoring your code and you fix a bug too (source)
An “Ohnosecond” is defined as period of time between when you hit enter & you realize what you just did (source)
When you fix a bug in production (source)
2 unit tests, 0 integration tests (source)
Interpreting developer job ads (source)
A few favourite Dilbert’s…
Boss Buys Software Without Help (source)
Hire Agile Programmers (source)
New Website Developer (source)
Finally, not tech related but liked it…
His reaction when the tree falls (source)
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